Art And The Natural Sciences

Our valued resident artist Hugh Dunford Wood is running a A pop up show at Little Place called The National Gallery of Lyme Regis. This will be its third outing which he has run every couple of years under the umbrella of Dorset Art Weeks. This will run from about 26 May until 11 June, and it will be on the theme of Art and the Natural Sciences, in association with The Earth Festival 2012, which is part of the Cultural Olympiad 2012. The Earth Festival is a celebration of natural sciences through art and education.

Little Place is a lovely Georgian villa in the centre of Lyme Regis that until the late 1970s was lived in by Sir Lawrence Whistler, the Queen’s Glass Engraver. The house is decorated in the artist’s handmade wallpapers, which give a rich background to the artworks that he will be showing. There will be an interesting variety of about half a dozen invited artists from around the country and out in the wood, and the garden overlooking the sea will be work by two or three sculptors.

The show will be open every day from 2-6pm, except for Thursdays. There is wheelchair access and it makes for a colourful and stimulating visit.

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